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2025 JUST ADD WATER - 1/9 Meeting notes






  • On 2/25/25 County Parks has a meeting to go over the deed easement for Valley Water need of PG&E power pole for Coyote Perc Pond Dam Control building. If board approves then Valley water can get it on PG&E's schedule for installation. For now, the plan is to put water down Coyote Creek past Coyote Perc dam for recharge so you will see the creek wet for the winter unless plans change.

  • The Club is planning as if this project completes in spring and Water will be maintained at a level we can ski once again.

  • Do your Winter exercises!

Maintenance / COURSE (John Crivello):

·         WALLY BOUYS:  We think there is enough for one course, all at Daren’s storage

o    Need to be confirmed at Daren’s storage next 1-2 weeks

o    Action: J Collins?  J Crivello? Gordon Simmons?

·         SUBFLOATS:  Steve D has

·         BUNGEE:  J. Crivello has roll.  How much?  John will confirm how much

·         CLIPS:  72 NEEDED

o    Two clips per:  

o    6x3 18

o    Gates 4

o    55’s 4

o    Total:  36, so 72 clips

o    Steve D about 20

o    Crivello:  TBD

·         ANCHORS:  All have cable.  Floats connected to them.


·         Marker posts on shore for when Pond has water to better locate.  Confirm line up north 55s (nothing moved during last work party) 

·         PURCHASE:

o    WALLY BUOYS:  Confirm if have at least one set.  Determine # of spares needed of each.  Shipping is expensive

o    CLIPS:  Confirm if have more than 72.  If not, order bag of clips

o    BUNGEE:  Confirm if J Crivello’s roll is sufficient, otherwise order another roll

o    ORDER:  Possibly combine with BWSC to reduce shipping costsCLIPS:  72 NEEDED


TREASURER: (John Collins)

·         CD will earn ~4% but shorter term/ rollover

·         Membership slackers, won’t charge late fee ( no water discount)

·         FY 2025 will plan a Normal Budget and adjust as needed (same as 2024)

·         Board/club needs to approved FY25 budget by 3/1/25 start of FY.


MEMBERSHIP (Steve Dachauer):

·         Two dropped Bishop and Graham

·         Anger, Doug F, Dan G (said he would pay but not yet), Scott Normandin (Mark reminded)

·         Potential members (interested), let them know when we are getting water

·         Erin Mannis dropped out last year because we didn’t allow people to go inactive with no water.  She and her family helped out at L2S the last two years so agreed an exception will be made (no initiation dues, just pay two years of inactive membership $25x2.

·         Scot Graham had FB, was going to shut down.  Little traffic, prefer our website.  No interest in continuing.  Confirm still points to club website; otherwise nothing further.


SARGENT AT ARMS - (Gordon Jensen)

·         INSURANCE:

o    Valid insurance is required.  All policies will be checked to confirm they are valid prior to the pond being open.  If we don’t have a current copy, you will be notified to have your insurance company send one in.


o    All must be inspected, a tag must be requested at time of inspection, and a picture of it must be sent to Gordon Jensen before you can launch at the pond.  It is good for one year ONLY if you only launch at the pond.  Launching it at any other body of water voids the inspection and you will have to get reinspected before you go back to the pond.

·         California BOATER CARD

o    As of 1/1/2025, all boat operators must have a California Boater Card with few exceptions.  Membership voted that anyone who operates a boat at the pond must have and carry a card (boat owner or non-member, member or non-member).  Picture/copy of card must be sent to Gordon Jensen for all members who operate boats.  CA charges $10 fee for card but the course is free All information is at:


TOURNAMENTS (Scott Anger - Absent):

·         Regionals and Nationals at Ski West (California) for 2025

·         2026:  Regionals in Utah

·         Grand American:  Same structure as last year with Lakeside club



·         Learn to ski days:

o    Looking into 2 sets of kids at two different times per L2SD (less waiting around)

o    Possibly three this year

o    Pending pond opening where we do it at pond

§   GS contacted Parks on status (information officer) to poke on pond status

o    Equipment either at Larry’s house or at Delta (not back at Daren’s storage).  Larry will manage



·         Pending Mish update.  GS will contact






Jensen, Gordon

john Collins

John Crivello

Gordon Lightfoot (Larry Conner)

Russ (Unverified)

Dave O (Unverified)

Steve D (Unverified)

Rick Sanchez (Unverified)

 4089305800 (Normandin)

anonymous (Verkler?)

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